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The Strong Interest Inventory® Career Assessment with College Profile

The best thing about high school is the friends, the activities, the sports, the social opportunities. The worst thing about high school is having to decide what you’re going to do when it’s over. I’m here to help you with that.

Selecting a major can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. A small Liberal Arts college might offer 40 plus majors while a large university might offer over 100. How do you find the one for you? At some colleges you might spend the first semester taking various assessments or seminars to see if you find a major or field of study that appeals to you.

Why not cut to the front of the line by taking the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment (the leading career exploration tool) and have it reviewed one on one with a Certified Strong Interest Inventory® Professional who can help you narrow the field before you even enroll?

Does one of these describe you?

  • I plan to go to college but I don’t yet know what I want to major in

  • I want to go into business (or engineering, medicine, healthcare, education, etc ) but when I see all the different possible majors in my area of study I’m undecided which to focus on

  • I think I know what I want to major in, but how could I know it’s really a fit for me

  • I’m not sure I want to go to college, but how do I know if there is something else out there for me

If you see yourself in any of those, you are at the right place.

The Strong College Profile will identify the areas of study you are well suited for, by matching your responses to people employed in 260 occupations.

The Strong Interest Inventory is comprised of 4 primary elements:

1. What is important to you in a work environment?
In an ideal situation our vocation matches our personality. If you love being outside and working with your hands, you might not thrive in an environment where you are in a cubicle answering the phone. The Strong looks at your personality to determine what work environments are most suitable for you and what college majors fit with those work environments.


2. What are your basic interests?
All of us have interests outside of work or school. Sometimes those interests translate into a career. The Strong compares your basic interests with what is important to you in a work environment and also suggests college courses, internships, activities on campus to test out your interests.


3. What is your approach to work?
There are 5 style scales that look at how you prefer to approach people, how much you want to participate on teams, how tolerant you are of risk, how you prefer to learn and what type of leader you want to be. If you prefer to learn on the job rather than in a classroom, you probably don’t want to pursue an occupation that requires many years of college.


4. What types of occupations fit your personality and your interests?
This is where it really gets fun. You get compared to people working in more than 200 occupations to see how similar your likes and dislikes are to theirs which is relevant information in considering an area of study for college.


No assessment can guarantee success in a major but the directional feedback of the Strong College Profile is a compass for you to follow.

How it works:

No need to go anywhere. . . I will send you a link to the online assessment which will take about 30 minutes for you to complete.  You will be asked to indicate how much you like or dislike 291 items that include occupations, subject areas, activities, leisure, interacting with people in varying roles, and characteristics that describe you. After that I will interpret and analyze your results and in conjunction with the Strongs College Profile, develop a customized report. I will schedule a time to meet either in person (if you are in the Wichita, Kansas area) or virtually to review the findings and position you on your career path.
When you get to college you will be able to hit the ground running, knowing what you want to explore which helps you find your fit sooner and can keep you on track for finishing in 4 years which translates to lower education expenses and earning an income sooner.

Who doesn’t want that?

Contact me to schedule an assessment or for more information check out the FAQ’s for both parents and students, my Blog, and my Resources to learn more about choosing a major.”


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